Celebrating Sean Desrosiers: Professional Engineer in Manitoba

October 19, 2023

We are thrilled to share some exciting news within our organization. Our colleague, Sean Desrosiers, has achieved a significant milestone in his professional journey by receiving his Professional Engineer designation in the province of Manitoba. This is a testament to Sean's hard work, determination, and commitment to excellence.

Becoming a Professional Engineer is no small feat, requiring years of rigorous education, practical experience, and reporting. Sean's achievement demonstrates his expertise and dedication to his field.

Sean's contributions to our team have been invaluable. He consistently demonstrates a deep understanding of engineering principles, making him a mentor to many. His expertise will continue to elevate our projects.

Sean embodies professionalism, ethical standards, and commitment to societal well-being. His innovative problem-solving skills have earned him the respect of peers and clients.

Congratulations, Sean, on this well-deserved achievement. We look forward to witnessing the positive influence he will continue to have on our projects and the engineering community in Manitoba.

Join us in extending your heartfelt congratulations to Sean Desrosiers on becoming a Professional Engineer in Manitoba. We are excited to see where his career will take him in the future.


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